Couchsachraga Mountain, Tahawus NY

This peak was part of a 2 day excursion I did over the Columbus Day weekend. It was done with Santanoni and Panther on the same day, after camping at the Bradley Pond lean-to the previous night.

For simplicity's sake, I call this mountain "Couch" since the real name is way to complicated for me to say. I've never met a mountian you have to climb DOWN to get to its summit. In modern terms this isn't even a mountain, but since it was designated one back in the 1800's, nobody's bothered to change it.

Many guides and sites say the path there is extremly wet, but I must have got lucky because even though there was SOME mud, there wasn't anything a pair of boots couldn't handle. The views of the Seward range (looking north) were fantastic, though I can safely say I will NEVER venture to this peak again, despite the view. It just wasn't worth it, even in sunny weather.

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